Anastazja Śniechowska-Karpińska
Afiliacja: Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie, Polska
The aim: comparison of two Polish MeSH indexes, i.e. the Tez_MeSH database of the Main Medical Library, and (being used by academic medical libraries), and presentation of their lexical differences. Material: bibliographic records from the Polish Medical Bibliography (PMB). The trial consisted of 116 post-doctoral thesis in medicine and related sciences, published in 2006 (records characterized in PMB as follows:
document type - “post-doctoral thesis”, searching limitation in date field: 2006). The sample of 765 subject headings has been received (only subject headings has been analysed). Trial date: September 18th, 2007. Method: two groups of subject headings have been compared - those from Tez_MeSH database and from Euivalents have been selected basing on their numbers in NLM MeSH database, and English version. The group of 208 subject headings has been selected, different in these databases, and analysis of these differences has been conducted. Conclusions: difference between these two databases regarding the group of selected subject headings amounts to approx. 7%. This cannot make a fundament for a claim that two independent Polish versions of MeSH exist. But this result shall raise suspicions, as it illustrates a process of consequent dissociation of the MeSH Polish version into two dialects. It is a natural result of development in case of natural languages, but in case of artificial languages it is a disadvantageous process, resulting from non-content-related reasons. is a disadvantageous process, resulting from non-content-related reasons.
Afiliacja: Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie, Polska
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