Anna Wałek 

Afiliacja: Biblioteka Główna i OINT Politechniki Wrocławskiej,  Polska


Funding Open Access is an extremely important question, however hardly mentioned in Polish literature. The Open Access model, assumed to assure
free access to resources, generates system, organizational, and administrative costs, which we shall be aware of. The author discusses current methods of
Open Access publications’ funding, like: author, institutional, double, shared, and hybrid models, as well as governmental funding, grants, and payable
membership in an OA publishing house. Particular attention is put on an author model of financing OA publications, assuming that costs of publishing texts are
paid by their authors. The levels of authorship fees in most of commercial OA and hybrid journals’ publishers are described.

Słowa kluczowe

Open Access; czasopisma elektroniczne; modele finansowe Open Access; The Public Library of Science (PLoS)


Opublikowane: 2010-06-16

Anna Wałek 

Afiliacja: Biblioteka Główna i OINT Politechniki Wrocławskiej,  Polska


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