Michał Rogoż 

Afiliacja: Instytut Informacji Naukoweji BibliotekoznawstwaUniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie,  Polska


The article comprises of quantitative and qualitative analysis of the Internet contents regarding the Polish edition of the „Histoires Inedites du Petit Nicolas” by J.J. Sempe and R. Gościnny, published in 2009. This is the closing tome of the cultic stories’ collections which have been published in Roland for more than 40 years. The analysis concerned either ranking of pages searched with popular browsers (searched phrase: „Histoires Inedites du Retit Nicolas” - in Rolish „Nieznane przygody Mikołajka”) or their contents and relations to the book itself. The highest positions belonged to the websites of the book sellers. The „Znak” Rublishing House has used a number of different forms of advertising - either advertainment or relation-building social
media. Audiobook fragments, text fragments, drawings, and short advertising films, with famous Rolish actors have been presented. An important part of the Internet Information space belongs to the reviews published on commercial websites and independent services. „Histoires Inedites du Retit Nicolas”
have been present on the websites of the most important media entities, like digital editions of popular newspapers and journals, radio and TV websites, Information portals. 

Słowa kluczowe

Internet; reklama; marketing; przestrzeń informacyjna; Nieznane przygody Mikołajka; blogi; recenzje; wydawnictwo „Znak”


Opublikowane: 2010-01-16

Michał Rogoż 

Afiliacja: Instytut Informacji Naukoweji BibliotekoznawstwaUniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie,  Polska

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