Dwadzieścia lat później: badania w zakresie organizacji wiedzy w Rumunii (1993-2012)

Victioria Francu 

Afiliacja: "Carol I" Central University Library of Bucharest,  Rumunia

Tabita Popescu 

Afiliacja: National Library of Romania,  Rumunia


CEL/TEZA: Podstawowa teza postawiona podczas prowadzonych badań dotyczy nierównomiernego reprezentowania badań prowadzonych w obszarze organizacji wiedzy w Rumunii w ciągu ostatnich dwudziestu lat wśród środowisk zawodowych pracowników akademickich z ośrodków kształcenia w zakresie bibliotekoznawstwa i informacji naukowej, bibliotekarzy programistów oraz niezależnych badaczy. Charakterystyczna sytuacja, w której znalazła się dziedzina informacji naukowej i bibliotekoznawstwa w Rumunii a szczególnie dwudziestoletnia przerwa w aktywności (1970-1990) miała znamienny wpływ na aktywność naukową badaczy w ramach tej i pokrewnych dyscyplin naukowych.
KONCEPCJA/METODY BADAŃ: Prezentowane badania zostały przeprowadzone w trzech etapach: zbieranie danych, utworzenie bazy danych, analiza i interpretacja zgromadzonych danych.
WYNIKI I WNIOSKI: Podstawowe wnioski płynące z przeprowadzonych badań odnoszą się do konkretnych rodzajów aktywności naukowej (książki, rozdziały w książkach, artykuły w czasopismach). Szczególna uwaga zostanie poświęcona analizie wpływu publikacji naukowych na rozwój bibliotek w Rumunii w ciągu ostatnich dwudziestu lat.

Słowa kluczowe

Organizacja wiedzy; Rumunia; Przegląd piśmiennictwa

Gnoli, C. (2008). Ten long-term research questions in Knowledge Organization. Knowledge Organization, 35(2/3), 137–149.

Hjørland, B. (2008). What is Knowledge Organization (KO)? Knowledge Organization, 35(2/3), 86–101.

Hodge, G. (2000). Systems of Knowledge Organization for digital libraries: Beyond traditional authority files. [online] Washington, DC: The Council on Library and Information Resources. [08.11.2014], http://www.clir.org/pubs/reports/pub91/contents.html

López-Huertas, M. J.; Jiménez Contreras, E. (2004). Spanish research in Knowledge Organization (1992–2001). Knowledge Organization, 31(3), 136–150.

McIlwaine, I. C.; Mitchell, J. S. (2008). Preface to Special Issue “What is Knowledge Organization”. Knowledge Organization, 35(2/3), 79–81.

Opublikowane: 2016-09-01

Victioria Francu 

Afiliacja: "Carol I" Central University Library of Bucharest,  Rumunia


Dr VICTORIA FRÂNCU has a long experience as a librarian at “Carol I” Central University Library of Bucharest. Her professional knowledge was acquired through individual and institutional training and moved from general to very specific. She graduated with a Master of Arts degree from the University of Bucharest – Faculty of Letters, Romanian-English Department, and continued with library science in-depth study as she became Ph.D. in Library and Information Science at the University of Antwerp (Belgium) with the thesis “Multilingual Access to Information using an Intermediate Language”. Her research interests cover but are not limited to cataloguing and subject indexing, indexing languages, classification, thesauri. Since 1995 she has participated in professional meetings both in Romania and abroad and published papers in monographs and conference proceedings. Victoria Frâncu has been a member of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO) since 1996. In 2007 she became a member of the Universal Decimal Classification Consortium (UDCC) Advisory Board. She has been teaching Theories and Techniques of Cataloguing and Indexing as well as a course on Classification Systems at the Department of Library and Information Science of the Bucharest University.

Tabita Popescu 

Afiliacja: National Library of Romania,  Rumunia


Dr TABITA POPESCU graduated from the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, a prestigious school where she experienced the importance of science-based research. After that she decided to work in library, first in “Carol I” Central University Library of Bucharest and then in National Library of Romania. Having interest in this field she continued her academic studies in project management, cultural management and strategy. Her satisfaction with the management tasks is definitely associated with the RAMEAU project in Romania, i.e. the creation of a Romanian universal thesaurus based on French RAMEAU - an indexing tool that could be used by all libraries within the Romanian library network. Currently she is Head of the Research and
Development Department of the National Library of Romania, approaching the final stage of her doctoral study at the Faculty of Letters at the University of Bucharest. Her dissertation is entitled “Library and information science research in Romania after 1990: a critical analysis”. Her areas of interest in the professional field include knowledge organization and library management.

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