Initiatives of the Polish Librarians’ Association for Libraries and Readers in the First Phase of the Pandemic

Anna Grzecznowska 

Afiliacja: Polish Librarians’s Association,  Polska


Thesis / Purpose of the article ‒ The aim of the article is to present the activities undertaken by the Polish Librarians’ Association in the first period of the pandemic, which supported librarians in two areas: maintaining communication with readers and self-improvement and improving competences in the field of remote reader service. Research methods ‒ The article uses the method of analyzing available sources, i.e., reports presenting activities undertaken by the SBP and libraries until the end of June 2020, including: reports, reports posted on websites, in social media, articles in industry magazines, surveys of training preferences of librarians and online training evaluation. Results / conclusions – Showed the effects of the pandemic with regard to the services offered by libraries, the impact of SBP on increasing the dissemination of digital resources and electronic services, as well as increasing the competence of librarians in the use of tools to work with the reader in the virtual space, through online training.

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Opublikowane: 2020-12-31

Anna Grzecznowska 

Afiliacja: Polish Librarians’s Association,  Polska


Anna Grzecznowska holds a PhD in economics. In the period from 2007 to September 2020, she was director of the Main Management Board of the Polish Librarians’ Association. Her research interests are focused on the economic aspects of scientific information. Her scientific achievements include several dozen articles in national and foreign journals. For many years, she has been coordinating projects implemented by the SBP, concerning, inter alia, promoting reading, disseminating access to culture of various social groups, including people with disabilities, and increasing the competencies of librarians in the use of modern information and communication tools. She is a co-author of several studies, including Librarian, make friends with an autistic person (Warsaw, 2016) and Chronicles of the Polish Librarians Association in 2013-2018 (Warsaw, 2018).

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