Organizational Flexibility of Academic Libraries in a Vuca Reality: The Example of the Functioning of Libraries During the Covid-19 Epidemic

Bożena Jaskowska

Afiliacja: Institute of Information Sciences, Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland,  Polska


Thesis / purpose of the article – The aim of the article is to present management solutions used in academic libraries in a changing and unpredictable environment, on the example of the functioning of units during the lockdown period caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, which lasted from March 12 to the beginning of June 2020. Research method – Research was conducted among the directors of Polish academic libraries using an online survey as a research tool. Results and conclusions – The research analysis shows that academic libraries showed considerable organizational flexibility during the lockdown period, especially in terms of changing duties, forming plans “just in time”, extending the scope of services and organizing large-scale remote and rotational work. Some libraries have also changed decision-making processes. This is the first such study of the functioning of academic libraries during the lockdown period.

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Opublikowane: 2020-12-31

Bożena Jaskowska

Afiliacja: Institute of Information Sciences, Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland,  Polska


Assistant Professor at Pedagogical University of Cracow. Long-term (2010-2020) director of the University of Rzeszow Library and member of the Executive Council of the Conference of Directors of Academic Libraries of Polish Schools (2012-2020). PhD in Humanities (UW, 2007), graduate of MBA IT studies (ALK, 2012). Scientific specialization: information architecture; information user research; User Centered Design, User Expierience, library management and marketing. Publications: Wojciechowska M., Kamińska J., Żołędowska-Król B., Jaskowska B. (2019). Leksykon zarządzania i marketingu w bibliotekarstwie. Warszawa: SBP; Jaskowska B. (2009). Efektywny marketing SEO witryny bibliotecznej. Przegląd Biblioteczny, 77, 229-238.

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