Threats to Libraries

Jacek Wojciechowski 

Afiliacja: Emeritus Professor, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland,  Polska


Thesis/Purpose of the article – The present multitude of forms of communication requires diversified intermediation and promotion, and these seem now to be now the main functions of libraries. However, the basis of these endeavours is still print. A departure from supporting print media would result in a crisis in librarianship. In mediation there is a need to verify the content and support a critical reception, as well informational as non-informational. Direct services are essential, but so are remote services and the facilitation of interpersonal contacts. Research method – an analysis of the literature allows us to conclude that the overall library offer requires the supply of print media, delivery of digital media, and also the creation of conditions for direct contact between users. Without that, there will be no future for librarianship. Results and conclusions – The advantages of print are: wisdom, reflective concentration, non-informative (fictionalized) freedom. The possible elimination of print is therefore a serious intellectual and emotional threat. The advantages of digital communication are: multi-semioticity, informational; richness and extensive range – while its weaknesses are overinformation, shallow knowledge, and passivity of inspired thinking. Furthermore the related co-presence of smart articles phone users is only an appearance. Therefore, there is a need for the coexistence of print and digital communication and the facilitation of direct contacts between users. Libraries provide all of this in their offer. In turn, any departure from this, even partial, threatens librarianship with a fundamental crisis.

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Opublikowane: 2020-12-31

Jacek Wojciechowski 

Afiliacja: Emeritus Professor, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland,  Polska


Jacek Wojciechowski, prof. dr hab. (emeritus), is former director of the Provincial Public Library in Kraków and former head of the Department of the Library at the Jagiellonian University. He deals with issues of librarianship, reading, psychology of communication and sociology of literature. His achievements include over 1,100 publications (about 600 of these scientific), including 16 scientific monographs. He reviews the current Polish and foreign scientific literature in the quarterlies Przegląd Biblioteczny and Kniżnica (in Slovak), and in the Library Annual.

Autor składa oświadczenie o oryginalności przesłanego tekstu, a w umowie wydawniczej przenosi na rzecz Wydawcy nieodpłatnie majątkowe prawa autorskie w zakresie jednorazowego opublikowania dzieła.

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