The Role of the Museum Library

Robert Kotowski

Afiliacja: Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies, University of Warsaw ,  Polska


Objective – Libraries and museums operate on the basis of the same program assumptions, as their role is to collect, store and preserve and disseminate collections. Conclusions – The article presents the principles of organization and activity of the museum library in the context of history and changing principles of the functioning of special libraries, as well as similarities in the program assumptions of libraries and museums on the example of the National Museum in Kielce. The article is an attempt to look at how the role has changed over the decades, but also at the function of a museum library in the local space and how its readership and public perception have changed.


„Gazeta Kielecka” 1909, 1918.


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Opublikowane: 2019-12-30

Robert Kotowski

Afiliacja: Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies, University of Warsaw ,  Polska


ROBERT KOTOWSKI, habilitated doctor, historian, museologist, certified curator, director of the National Museum in Kielce (formerly vice director of the National Museum in Krakow). Editor-in-chief of the Annual of the National Museum in Kielce, assistant professor (adjunkt) at the Department for the Study of Libraries and Other Cultural Heritage Institutions at the Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies of the University of Warsaw. A member of many museum councils. Author of numerous articles and studies in the field of history and museology, including Nowoczesne muzeum. Dziedzictwo i współczesność (A modern museum. Heritage and modernity), (Kielce 2010) (together with Roman Batko); Dziewczynka z obrazu. Historia życia Józi Olderfeldówny (The girl from the painting. Life Story of Józia Oderfeld), (Kielce 2014); Muzeum jako lokalny ośrodek społeczno-gospodarczego oddziaływania (The Museum, as a local centre of socio-economic impact), in: Instytucje kultury jako ośrodki życia społecznego (Institutions of Culture, as centres of social life), edited by A. Mierzecka, E.B. Zybert, Warsaw 2017. His research interests focus on museology and social history of the 20th century.

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